Skill Hacks

Eco-design to reduce the environmental impact of the cultural sector

You work in the culture or you are considering a reconversion and you too are wondering about the crucial question of the environmental impact of the sector?  Stay put, we have something for you!


Whether you are in retraining or already a set designer in the cinema, a theater or exhibition designer, a museographer, a stage manager, a manager of a cultural institution, a volunteer in a festival - employee, freelance or temporary worker - we have some ideas to offer you to make our practices greener!


Let's talk a little, let's talk well: what is eco-design?

In fact, eco-design is quite simple, it is a practice that aims to integrate environmental aspects into the design and development of products, in order to reduce environmental impacts throughout the stages of a project's life cycle.

Being in an eco-design process offers several advantages:

  • reducing, sometimes significantly, the energy and environmental impact of a production unit, whatever its size
  • create value for those who adopt it (reputation, innovation, ethics)
  • increase profitability because the margin of eco-designed products is on average 10% higher than the margin of conventional products.


What does eco-design in the cultural sector mean today?

Given the environmental impact of their activities, professionals in the cultural, entertainment, audiovisual production and events sectors are particularly concerned by the challenges of integrating an eco-design approach into their professional practice, particularly in the context of manufacturing and managing the life cycle of sets, objects and scenographic installations.

However, today there are still few mechanisms to support professionals, particularly in the cultural, entertainment and event sectors, in the transformation of their activity by transmitting the methods, practices and tools of ecodesign.

Well, Make ICI wants to fill this gap by offering a 3-day training course on "Ecodesign for cultural activities", aimed at professionals in the sectors concerned, in order to provide them with the knowledge, know-how and interpersonal skills needed to apply ecodesign within their activity.

In other words, this training is aimed at any professional of the cultural sector, active or future, who wishes to orient his activity towards a more responsible approach: design, choice of materials and suppliers, environmental performance, reuse, life cycle.


In concrete terms, here is the program

The objective of this training is to acquire the knowledge and technical skills essential to transform a cultural activity into an eco-responsible logic (scenography, decor, museography, management and event management).

More specifically, during 3 days (21 hours), the following themes will be addressed

  • Environmental impacts and professional practice: understanding the relationship between a professional practice and its environmental impact
  • Ecodesign: understanding the main principles of ecodesign and learning how its main tools work
  • Inspiring practices: discover the application of eco-design methods in concrete and virtuous projects
  • Legal framework: discover the French legal framework and its main constraints in terms of eco-design
  • Sourcing of materials and suppliers: identify materials and resources with low environmental impact and the structures that distribute them
  • Waste treatment: discover the waste treatment sector in France and the opportunities it offers
  • Life cycle and environmental performance: analyze the end of life and the environmental performance of its activity


Want to know more about it?

👉 Find all the details of the training here (dates, costs, locations etc).

 👉 You can also write directly to us at and we will explain everything according to your situation!