I provide resource assistance - Toulouse

💡 SSE organization
Localisation Toulouse, France
Full remote
Posted on 07-06-2022


Frequencies produit des fictions sonores, inspirées pour des personnes malvoyantes à destination de tous.

💡 SSE organization

This structure is based on a principle of solidarity and social utility: its management is democratic and participative, and its profit-making potential is limited. It may be an association, cooperative, foundation, mutual or ESUS company.

More information
  • Website
  • Nonprofit organization
  • < 15 persons
  • Others
Impact study
Frequencies did not yet communicate its impact measurement.
Labels and certifications
This structure did not communicate to us the labels or certifications that it was able to obtain.
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Etant une jeune association nous recherchons des bénévoles pour nous aider au ressources internes et externes. Les missions sont adaptées à chacun en fonction de vos compétences, de vos envies et de vos disponibilités.


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