Geomatician - Paris

💡 Company in transition
Long-term contract
Localisation Paris
Posted on 08-23-2022

AXA Climate

La Raison d'être d'AXA Climate est d'aider la planète Terre à devenir une véritable partie prenante de toutes les entreprises. Notre Mission est l'adaptation climatique et environnementale.

💡 Company in transition

This company has begun its transition to improve its social and environmental impact. Only jobs that contribute directly to this transition are published here, such as CSR manager or carbon footprint project manager.

More information
  • Website
  • Company
  • Between 50 and 250 employees
  • Others
Impact study
AXA Climate did not yet communicate its impact measurement.
Labels and certifications
This structure did not communicate to us the labels or certifications that it was able to obtain.
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La Raison d’être d’AXA Climate est d’aider la planète Terre à devenir une véritable partie prenante de toutes les entreprises.
La Mission d’AXA Climate, c’est l’adaptation climatique et environnementale. Au service de cette mission, 4 différents métiers ! 

  • La formation - via des contenus digitaux, scientifiques pour mettre en mouvement tous les collaborateurs, leur donner les compétences et les outils. 
  • Le conseil - pour impacter en local, via des actions d’adaptation concrètes.
  • L’assurance et le financement - pour sécuriser celles et ceux qui s’adaptent, et impactent. 

Tech team at AXA Climate

Using Data from satellites, weather stations and scientific observations, the job of the tech team is to compute Data and build products to help our clients understand the impact of climate change.
Handling such Data and providing accurate projections is a hard challenge. Our job is to gather historical Data, analyze tendencies and if possible, take into account the impact of climate change, and therefore Science.

Beyond Climate, we aim at measuring the impact on bio-diversity where challenges are even harder.

Data at AXA Climate

Our products fetch data from partners or public data (imagery, weather-stations) and perform some computations to create indicators that are exposed through SaaS systems/APIs internally or to our clients outside. Our indicators help our clients evaluate physical and environmental risks. From draughts to hurricanes, from CI-CD to Observability systems (Cortex/Grafana…), logs managements with adequate and strong security, the team handles multiple tasks.

Most of this data is geolocated (satellite images, time series, shapes, etc.) and heterogeneous (temperature, rain, vegetation index, sea level rise etc). To process it in bulk and guarantee data security, we have developed a server-less computing platform called Cocoon. The objectives of cocoon are to:

  • Manage AXA Climate assets
  • Enrich assets with public or private data
  • Expose data to users

We are hiring a senior Geomathematician to be the go-to person for geographic processing and help other developers, Data Scientists/Analysts and business experts in their understanding of geolocated processing.


  • Design and setup the integration and storage of geographical data
  • Validate and optimize geo-data processing
  • Create maps and analyze data
  • Structure data processing to help all teams process data efficiently
  • Find innovative ways to expose our results to the outside world

Skills and requirements

  • Experience in designing systems to effectively process lots of geo-spatial data
  • Strong experience with GIS systems and libraries
  • Strong experience with most GIS Exchange formats (NetCDF, GeoTIFF, GeoJSON…)
  • Knowledge of at least 2 platforms to process GeoSpatial Data


  • Skills in Python/scripts to process geo-spatial data
  • Experience setting up GIS systems to expose data (map server, QGIS Server…)
  • Good knowledge on mechanisms to optimize GIS formats over the Internet