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The low-tech approach: a professional way forward?

We asked 3 low-tech professionals to give us their views on their jobs and the opportunities in this sector!

How do you find a job that makes sense ?

92% of working people want to have a meaningful job. Do you? Here are a few tips to help you find a job that makes sense for you !

Lucas Mirgalet - ingé d'avenir "It's possible to combine meaning and salary."

An engineer in energy renovation !

Martin - Low-tech association manager and part-time employee

A dissonance engineer, Martin turned to low-tech for greater coherence.

Marie, future engineer - "I wanted to mix hard sciences and social sciences."

To be an engineer of the future, you need a specific orientation during your studies. Marie tells us all about it!

Ingénieurs : mieux que la bifurcation, le choix !

On parle beaucoup de bifurcation ou de désertion des ingénieurs. Mais d'autres choix sont possibles. C'est ce qu'explore Laurent Polet, de Primaveras, dans cet article

Florent Haffner, ingé d'avenir - "Human, engineer, anthropocene."

Florent, ingé d'avenir, has left his #engineer #solutionist #optimist hat, to become... human again !

Arthur Auboeuf, decarbonizing society without forgetting to be happy

"Work is the number 1 lever for transforming the world" - Arthur Auboeuf

Decarbonizing buildings: "300,000 people need to be trained in energy renovation by 2030".

Anthony Grassi, from La Solive, talks about the challenges facing the construction industry.

How can we change the world of mobility to make it compatible with an ecological society?

Transport accounts for 30% of GHG emissions in France. Clément Moreux, from Padam Mobility, presents the job opportunities that are transforming the mobility sector.